Welcome to the last exhibition I will curate on Photowalkers Taiwan. Time is passing, and now it’s time for me to move on.

This seems like a sweet point to leave Photowalkers and focus on other photography projects. Don’t worry, still a member, but I will be a lot less visibly active there in future.

Photowalkers Retrospective 2021


Recently, we’ve featured new members’ work in our Critical galleries and recent members’ albums in the featured posts, but now we’re returning to our roots as a photowalking group to promote photowalking in Taiwan.

So… from September 8th~15th, we’ll be featuring photographs taken from our official photowalks. We want to inspire you to get out on photowalks, organize with our members, and start taking better photos!  You can find out the events dates if you’re a little hazy on the exact walk in the events. Good luck! Let’s see what you have! Check out the burgeoning series with this tag: #PhotowalkRetrospective

13 Photowalks! Taking Place on Photowalkers NOW!

Since 2018, Photowalkers has been involved in creating and participating in a number of exhibitions, as well as photowalk events, produced, curated and exhibited by many members of Photowalkers, to all of whom I must say ‘thank you!’

Past Exhibitions

  • Photowalkers Retrospective (Online), September 2021
  • Photowalkers Critical Lockdown (Online), June-July 2021
  • Earth Day Exhibition (Online), April 2021
  • Our Island Exhibition (with TEPC), May 2019
  • Visual Dialogs XXVI @ Red Room Exhibition, September 2018
  • Dadaocheng Photography Exhibition, October 2017
  • 台灣主題攝影展 Photography Exhibition, July 2015
  • Photowalkers Show @ The Aroma, April 2015

So that’s it! Happy Taiwan Photowalking! Keep safe, take photos!

By KJ Dickson

"A Look Through The Lens" is my website to share some of my photos with you. Welcome!