2018 Edit

Feb 25th Sun from 2pm ~ 4pm.
Botanics, History Museum & Nanjichang Photowalk

Botanical Gardens, History Museum to Nanijichang Community

For the second walk of the New Year, we’ll be going from the through the Botanical Gardens, round the History Museum, then onto Nanijichang Area. Hopefully, the weather won’t be a repeat of the famous freeze in 2016… and there should be enough variety for people to photograph something of interest.

The total length is approx. 2.0km, so the entire photowalk should last about 2 hours in total. The meetup point is Xiaonanmen MRT Station Exit #3 at 2pm. This is not a difficult walk, but precautions for rain & sun are suggested. Shoes need to be sensible too, esp. for slippery or muddy ground. There’s should be a convenience store nearby for essentials.

During the walk thru’ Nanjichang, please be sensitive to photographing people in their home surroundings. If they are uncomfortable taking a photograph, apologise for disturbing them and walk away. The focus is on photographing some of the character, history and liveliness of the area, before it’s bulldozed in the name of progress.

Routes, times & dates may be revised; please keep uptodate with changes as notified in the Event Page. I hope you can come; be nice to see y’all!

The route map is essentially: https://goo.gl/maps/gyKHvbREsDT2

By KJ Dickson

"A Look Through The Lens" is my website to share some of my photos with you. Welcome!