《阿兵哥 – 軍旅記憶》攝影展 (Facebook) 文化總會

阿兵哥—軍旅記憶 攝影展

★分享導覽開幕茶會:9月8日 星期六 14:00 (missed it!)

★展出地點:文化總會 城南空間No.1(台北市中正區重慶南路二段15號)近捷運小南門4號 , 中正紀念堂1號出口步行約5分鐘。

A Soldier’s Memoir Photograph Exhibition (Facebook)
Sept. 4 ~ October 14 at The General Assembly of Chinese Culture
Tuesday thru’ Sunday 10~5pm.

100, Taipei City, Zhongzheng District, Section 2, Chongqing South Road, No. 15

Soldier (阿兵哥—軍旅記憶) is Taiwan’s first photography show about military life as told from the perspective of the soldier. The group show offers a glimpse into the daily life of Taiwanese military… http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/feat/archives/2018/09/07/2003699940


By KJ Dickson

"A Look Through The Lens" is my website to share some of my photos with you. Welcome!