Welcome! This event is for the Photowalkers Exhibition @ Red Room. The exhibition is expected to be held from 9/2 to 10/6 @ Red Room in celebration of the new Visual Dialogues Galleries. We’ve been working with Tobie Openshow @ REDROOM to create an opportunity for 12 photowalkers to participate, and show individual talents and the group.
We now welcome submissions for the remaining places from members of photowalkers group, past present or future! A number of people have already expressed interest… and we are really looking forward to seeing their submissions shortly.
- the theme
- deadlines
- how to submit
- formats, text & contact details
- costs & deadlines
- schedule
**Theme: RED!
“Red Room is proud to announce the reopening at our new location as well as the opening of our new gallery space, the Visual Dialogues Gallery. For our premier show, a salon style group exhibition, we would like to invite to the Red Room artist community to submit one work based on our theme.
The theme is “RED.” RED means so many things. It’s color, it’s light. It’s fire, it’s blood, it’s danger, it’s love. It’s freedom, it’s poison, it’s violence. It’s prosperity. It’s Earth, It’s People. Share with us your RED. The work can be any media: painting, drawing, sculpture, verse, prose, performance, music, video, etc.”
We’re organizing our one work: a collection of photographs. I urge you to think laterally, not literally when interpreting the meaning of ‘RED’! Don’t limit yourself to the color red! Seriously! Interpret! Start your LRs… and get starring those images! I can’t wait to see what comes up! Initially, I’m saying images should be Urban, Street, Landscape, Architecture, Culture, etc. and submissions should be no more than 4 max.
Several photographers have mentioned issues of time… and that I can truly appreciate… so we will work with you to speed things up. We are taking care of printing, it’s just not feasible otherwise. But selection of images is for some still problematic. I would urge you to not focus too much on the color red but the symbolism that it can represent. Our different cultures are resplendent with meanings of red. And lastly, look through older images, esp. things you have worked on before and are ‘ready’. Your back catalog of images will contain images that would be appropriate for the theme. Photos will be either 24″ on the longest side. Each photographer will display 2 photos plus a profile. There are spaces for 12 photographers (or 24 photographs) in the gallery space only as we’re sharing the space. The opening event will take place on 9/2 and will run for the month of September.
**Upload Instructions
Images submitted should be a minimum of 3000px on the long side as full sized finished images. We’re printing at 24″ on the long side with a max of 20″ on the short side.
Please upload your images to the following redirected Dropbox location to :
**Deadline for Submission: Closed
When you submit, could you also upload a file indicating the title of the images and a photographer’s profile (max. 150 words) in one single Word Document. You can also upload a small profile photo (max. 100KB). Include your email address & phone number in this document so we can arrange the return of the images.
Sample document is here to make things easy for you:
Please understand that we’re trying to put on an exhibition for Photowalkers, that we’ll need support of participants to get the most out of your pictures and to make the deadlines.
8/24 @ 00:00 Submissions Close (Hard Deadline)
8/25 ~ Proposal Submission to Red Room
9/1 Hanging Day
9/2 Exhibition Starts