A monthly meeting around a dinner to share 5 pictures on a theme/set of images selected in advance. Constructive criticism and advices (technical or artistic) are welcome.

This will take place via Facebook in a place to exchange and where we can share the “5” pictures we show during the monthly meeting and perhaps also the one we couldn’t show during that meeting.

June 12th Meeting!

Though we’ll be meeting online, let us have, as always, a fun night and a good way to get good opinions on how to improve our photos.

Follow the steps:

  1.  As usual, everyone should select five (5) photographs to put up for critical discussion. The max. size will be 2732 x 2048 pixels. (Your pictures will be deleted afterwards).
  2. Upload the files to: https://www.tepc.club/tepc-upload/
  3. Find your google gmail account+password so you can access the meeting.
  4. We will use Google Meet to view the photos and discuss. If things go awry, we will switch to FB Messenger!
  5. You will need either a mobile phone/pad or computer equipped with video/voice.
  6. We will start the meeting early to get things working properly. Don’t forget to buy your favorite beer!
  7. Order of photographers is determined by the order received. First in >>> First shown. Last in >>> Last shown. So get your pictures in earlier! Don’t leave it the last day!
  8. All images are deleted after the meeting so keep a copy! I certainly won’t!

Attending the Critique

We will start the meeting on FB before moving to Google Meet (location may vary). Images will be shown as a presentation in Meet, but higher quality will be shown through a Dropbox folder. So you’ll need both open. Both locations will be shared via FB beforehand. Stay tuned!

We recommend multiple screens (at least two) to help with viewing, I’ll place the images in a separate folder for high quality viewing, as well. Chat on #1, view on #2 (we may try screensharing but the image quality is lower).

July’s meeting will be held second Saturday in July, probably Saturday 10th! Upload location will open shortly.

This events is supported by T E P C

Kenneth and Patrice

By KJ Dickson

"A Look Through The Lens" is my website to share some of my photos with you. Welcome!