Table for…? Service might be, … well… unsteady here.

It’s actually a panorama (vertical) from four shots (as if you couldn’t guess)… There is some distortion, still. Patrice is always encouraging me to go closer. I kinda wish I’d gone upto the front door now. Peered inside… but I didn’t.
I expected the grumpy old man to jump out and ask what I was upto… Of course, I’d have said: “Table for 2, please”! Somehow, I think it’s been a while since anyone was working inside that booth.
The pano topped out at 275MB so in my little old machine, editing became choppy (PC with 8GB of memory). I think it’s time to use my $$$ to buy a bigger/faster/more evil machine! 8000px by 9000 approx.
I was tempted to click the enhance button to see how much bigger the file would get… but I’ve no ambition to do night shift, tonight. I actually gave up editing it as it was… I’d need to shrink it down to something my PC can chew on. This will cause it to choke!

By KJ Dickson

"A Look Through The Lens" is my website to share some of my photos with you. Welcome!