Location: Taipei City, Taiwan, Chinese Taipei (Member Economy of APEC)
Two unknown girls sit resting in Taipei City, Chinese Taipei, after elementary school. One pulls out her tablet and starts quietly working on her own. Whether she is studying, creating or playing an educational game is unclear. She’s busy, however. Clearly, the future of all APEC economies is not just technology-based, but getting children, and especially girls, started early on technology-based learning will help build digital futures for them, their familiies, and their societies.
That they are girls is also important, women increasingly earn bigger shares of family income across many societies so they become important financial contributors to family stability and sustainability for both boys and girls. Creating a strong digital future, especially for girls, creates an inclusive society where traditional family values are supported and sustained by education; where futures in STEM subjects aren’t just dreamed of by girls, but embraced by women.
Part of the APEC 2018 Photo Contest